Two sessions were held by PDG Stephen Ramroop focused on Disaster Risk Management Training and the part that Rotary should play. Our Rotarians were present and accounted for in both sessions and raved of the wealth of information learned.
On Saturday 13th July, the kickoff meeting for the Disaster Risk Management training was held at Doc's Ranch and facilitated by PDG Stephen Ramroop. President Marcia, PP Anna and PP Helen attended this session and reported that the session was very informative. The following Saturday, PP Mary and Rtn Vera attended the second session and raved on the great impact that the information shared during the session had on them. Both teams reiterated that PDG Stephen encouraged each Rotary Club to form its own District Risk Management Team and also offered to attend one of our Club's meetings to share with the wider membership on this topic. Any Rotarian who is interested in being a part of this committee is to contact our Secretary on or before Friday 2nd August so that this committee may be formed.