Our 17th meeting for the year 2019-20 was held at Normandie Hotel on Tuesday 7th January 2020 as we held our first meeting for the year 2020. We acknowledged the start of a new month, new year and new theme which focuses on "Vocational Service" as we heard from our President on the Board Update.
Luncheon Meeting - 7th January 2020
The meeting was called to order at 12:30pm by Sergeant-At-Arms, Rtn. Joseph Lynch with the singing of the National Anthem followed by the recitation of the prayer and Four-Way Test. President Marcia was called to the podium to welcome members and guests while lunch was ordered by those present. She wished everyone a happy new year and expressed her sincere thanks for all being present. Special welcome was give to honorary member Pat O'Farrell who was also present. We then segued into the Members’ 5-minutes segment
Members’ 5-Minutes
PR: newsletter and blazers delayed but measurements for the blazers will be taken today to see if we can still get the blazers at the new deadline of Jan 15
Service Projects:
- Cricket : Chair Mary advised that the number of students for this program has increased from 160 to 200. If the standard ones are included it will increase further to 250. The meeting with IPP Jennifer and Colin Borde and the principals went very well and all the schools are on board.
- The St Andrew’s home : the Christmas party went well with our members. The ladies enjoyed and were overwhelmed by the food and drink. There are 15 residents which is a hit lower but the event was well received
- Servol cooks: PP Helen advised that she needs one more cook as Kelly can no longer do it.
- Tidy T&T: Chair Mary advised that Mauricio is starting back the work tomorrow and are all are on Board for the agricultural program and very excited to continue
- Reading sessions at La Sieva: chair Mary has sent an email asking persons what dates they are available to make it to read by Friday so that she can confirm with Mr Niles. The reading is done once weekly on a Wednesday. More details forwarded from the Rotary Club of Maraval email to all members. Let’s read personnel were very interested in reading as well.
Sergeant fellowship: Rtn Joseph wished everyone well and thanked everyone profusely for attending his event in December. President Marcia then thanked him on behalf of the club for throwing a truly excellent fellowship.
RI President Message - January 2020
The RI President message for January 2020 was read by Sec Giselle. Feedback was given on the ever evolving world of Rotary and while it may not always be reflected in our club , it is good to appreciate the reasons people join and how the organization works.
Board Update - December 2019
Our President Marcia then shared the board update for December 2019 as follows:
- PR update was given previously by Chair Donna on the status of the Club Blazers.
- Club admin: date for club forum to be confirmed . It was suggested that the forum be held on a Tuesday but started at 12noon.
- Foundation: A fundraiser has been suggested by this committee with more details to be shared by Chair Michele.
- Membership : how do we move forward with persons who want to join who are not sponsored by a specific member within our Club. Some more work is needed to derive our way of assessing this type of membership
- Fundraising : It was advised that we may get a soca artiste to perform at our Boat Cruise. However this would have meant to change the date of the cruise as advertised. This was not approved.
Sergeant collected : $340
Meeting ended at 1.30pm