Our 4th meeting for the year 2019-20 was held at Normandie Hotel on Tuesday 6th August at 12.30pm. We acknowledged the start of a new month and new theme "Membership and New Club Development" as we heard from our President on the Board Update
Meeting began at 12.32pm
Head Table: President Marcia , Immediate Past President Jennifer Abraham, Pres-Elect/Sec Giselle and Sergeant Joseph
Apologies: Chairs Janine, Tracey and Donna M, Rtns Joan, Kelly, Shirley C., Yvonne and Shirley H
Special Welcome was given to Rtn David Fraser and a special presentation of flowers was made to PP Mary on her birthday.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Rtn David Fraser celebrated his birthday on August 1st and PP Mary Charles celebrated her birthday on 5th August
Member’s 5 minutes
- Sous sous reminder in aid of Polio Plus with a contribution of TT $100 per month – PP Marie
- A reminder to all present to confirm their attendance for the upcoming ChokhaFest hosted by the Rotary Club of Princes Town on Saturday 24th August at 3pm on San Fernando Hill. - Sec Giselle
- PP Susan Hale has undergone eye surgery on August 3rd and will be unable to drive for the next three weeks. We have sent out well wishes through the "Get Well" card sent by Rtn Shirley on behalf of our Club - Sec Giselle
RI President 's August message - Sec Giselle
- Sec Giselle read the RI president's message on membership which is the theme for this new month in Rotary. The speech has been shared already by PP Anna in the Rotary Maraval WhatsApp Chat.
July 2019 Board Update - President Marcia
President Marcia shared with the Club a comprehensive update on the outcome of the board meeting held on Tuesday 30th July with the main points as follows:
1.Finances - All the funds for Jazz have been received including the Bmobile sponsorship cheque which we received earlier this week. We also received a reimbursement from JSJ of US $227 as through the wire transfer for their payment approximately 200 Euro was overpaid to them. There are funds outstanding from the last Rotary Year for handing over ceremony and other events and all members are encouraged to ensure that they settle their bills.
2. Service projects - We are awaiting the release of funds from Atlantic LNG for the upgrade of the La Sieva RC School's library and for improved landscape. Chair Mary to coordinate site visit to the National Museum for more information to be obtained for us to develop the project proposal.
3. Public Relations - The PR Committee is working on creating new branded polos and shirts along with blazers for the board and anyone else who may be interested.
4. Club Administration - We have an upcoming speaker this month on Attracting the Right Fit based on the monthly theme of membership and in September we will have a speaker on financial literacy and we will be hosting this meeting jointly with the Rotary Club of San Fernando South
5. Membership - It was announced that newly pinned members Stacy-ann Sarwarn will no longer be a part of the Club due to personal reasons. President Marcia has committed to reach out to her at various intervals to keep her updated. Therefore the committee remains focused on adding in new members.
6. Fundraising - We have agreed to reschedule Soup Fest to next year and therefore will pursue the Sip n' Sing fundraiser scheduled for November 2019 and will serve as the funds for Rotary Foundation. The majority of the Board voted that our Club will spearhead Jazz Under the Stars 2020 on their own through the guidance of a professional events manager.
7. Rotary Foundation - This committee will be working with Projects on the National Museum Project
President Marcia also advised that to best keep the Club members updated, each Committee Chair will be asked to provide an update on the respective committee at an assigned meeting each month. This was well received by all and will kick start with the Service Projects committee.
Our President announced upcoming meetings as follows:
Rotary Calendar – August – Membership and New Club Development | ||
August 13th | Projects Update - Feedback on the WAS Seminar 2019 from the attendees | Luncheon Meeting |
August 20th | Guest Speaker - Lyndon Brathwaite on Attracting the Right Fit | Luncheon Meeting |
August 24th | Rotary Club of Princes Town's Chokha Fest | San Fernando Hill |
Meeting ended at 1.29pm with a toast to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Rotary the World Over and Peace in the World