Our 8th meeting for the year 2019-20 was held at Normandie Hotel on Tuesday 17th September, 2019.
At this meeting we heard a comprehensive update from the Service Projects Chair, PP Mary Charles on the works being undertaken by the Rotary Club of Maraval.
Service Projects Chair Mary advised on the following service projects being undertaken by our Club and the immediate actions if any needed:
- Rampanalgas - Upcoming Christmas Party on Friday 6th December and being spearheaded by Rtn Shirley Campbell. In kind and monetary donations are welcomed to help make this event a success.
- Servol - Our members have volunteered to conduct cooking classes with the student and this is currently underway
- La Sieva - Our members have been reading to the students and this will continue with Rtn Nicole
- Cricket - A meeting will be held with IPP Jennifer and PP Mary to get the next steps needed for this project
- The National Project - Museum Upgrade - A meeting has been help with the Museum and we are awaiting feedback from them on their proposal of works that they will like done. From this the board will review and agree on what may be possible to execute this year.
- Women's Prison and Maximum Prisons - Vision testing continues in the Maximum Prisons with the provision of eye frames and testing ; upkeep of the photocopying machine of $5000
- IT Project "Teach Me How to Connect" - We are awaiting an official go ahead from Flow who has expressed their interest in being the sponsor for this project. The projected start date is October however if the sponsorship is not confirmed by then we will reschedule to March 2020. YWCA has agreed to host this project for the 6-8 week period
- St Andrew's Home for the Elderly - All were reminded of the Bingo which is held every other Thursday from 10.30am - 12noon . This is undertaken mainly by Rtn Pat and PP Shirley Campbell and all members were encouraged to attend to give support