On Tuesday 28th August, the Rotary Club of Maraval welcomed our District Governor Dominique Venere officially to our club. This was done through our joint luncheon meeting with the Rotary Club of Port of Spain at the Goodwill Industries facility.
On Tuesday 28th August, the Rotary Club of Maraval welcomed our District Governor Dominique Venere officially to our club. This was done through our joint luncheon meeting with the Rotary Club of Port of Spain at the Goodwill Industries facility.
During the meeting, President Jennifer and President Hayden Gittens both brought greetings on behalf of their respective clubs to the DG and thanked her immensely for her visit. It became an even more auspicious occasion as we welcomed our newest member of the Rotary Club of Maraval, Mrs. Ann Marie Narine who was made an official member of the Rotary Club of Maraval.
Rtn. Ann Marie was welcomed by all and celebrated as a significant asset to the club given her years of work expertise and dedication to service.
DG Dominique then presented a concise but stirring speech on the importance of our Rotary Club’s focus on membership retention, sustainability of our projects and involvement of our youth in all that we do. This was greatly appreciated by all present.
Once the meeting was commenced, the DG then met with the board of Rotary Club of Maraval where the Wisconsin World Youth Affairs students presented on their experience at the conference and how it impacted each of their lives. Subsequently, our President Jennifer and other board members shared on the works planned for this year and received valuable feedback from our DG on ways in which these efforts could be realized and even improved. President Jenner and AG Gordon Paul thanked DG Dominique for her visit and the meeting was adjourned.