Board Update
President Marie gave an update of the February 2017 Board meeting:
- There is enough money in our accounts to manage our projects, though funding for Club Admin remains a challenge.
- A few people hare outstanding dues for the second half year. Secretary Elect will send out invoices to these members as a reminder.
- Each local Club has to make a contribution to help fund the District Conference as well as raise funds through donations of $50,000.00. A letter has been sent to help with this. Rotarian Jennifer will take the lead in this project.
- The money required to set up the Music Room at La Seiva R. C. School slightly exceeded, by about $3,000.00, the amount donated. The Board approved that the Club should make up the short fall. The official hand over will take place before the first week of March.
- The principal of SERVOL has resigned from the School. How this will affect the future of the School, and our involvement, is uncertain.
- Rotary Club of Central Port of Spain have started the training for the Model United Nations that is run every year. Participants in this exercise are the candidates to be sent to the World Affairs Seminar in Wisconsin, USA, by our Club.
- Planning for Jazz Under the Stars on May 13 2017 is going well.
- A fellowship/fund raiser Tea Party has been suggested for April 17 Easter Monday. Members & friends to come in Easter hats, not just a bought item, but decorated. Tea items to be donated by members and the venue will be a member’s home. $100.00 entrance fee.